“Awareness of Between-ness”
between Tree and Self
The reason I chose street trees for this project is because I was born and bred in a city. I did not have grandparents who lived in the countryside to visit during summer vacations, when I was a child. Instead, I visited my grandparents’ house which is a Temple in Kyoto and played with my cousins in their garden, which was not a wilderness, but a normal house garden within the city. The trees I saw in the city or in gardens were my familier relationship to nature within the everyday life of my childhood. The street trees in the city are there to provide aesthetic, environmental, cultural and economic benefits, therefore the street trees are a very important natural asset for a city that enhance the public domain and create a ‘sense of place’ (Street Tree Master Plan 2011), and it also creates character and heritage for Sydney. And I am obsessed with nature and trees in the city.
This project is on going. New trees have been added here